Some stats
You can find some stats in:
- Google scholar (
- Scopus (here:
Scopus reports an h-index 22 (21, if you remove self citations) while WoS reports an h-index 19 (but some publications are assigned to a different Jordi Pereira). Google reports an h-index 30 as it tracks more sources (and does not check their origin).
- 2023. Best scientific contribution. UPF - Barcelona School of Management.
- 2021. Best researcher in the 'Engineering and technology' area. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
- 2021. Second place at the GECCO'21 Industrial optimization challenge (see paper at conference proceedings).
- 2020. Best professor award in the artificial intelligence graduate programme (yes, twice in a row).
- 2019. Best professor award in the artificial intelligence graduate programme.
- 2018. Outstanding research contribution award. Faculty of Engineering and Science. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- 2016. Best paper award, GECCO 2016 ECOM track
- Enhanced MIP Tools for Conservation Planning: Models and Algorithms for Complex Spatio-Temporal Conservation Problems. Fondecyt grant 1220830, Research grant from the Chilean government (Co-investigator).
- Red iberoamericana Industria 4.0 (CYTED).
- Assembly line balancing for industry 4.0. Fondecyt grant 1191624, Research grant from the Chilean government (Principal investigator).
- Ferramentas computacionais para alocação justa de terra e problemas relacionadas de parcelamento territorial. MCTIC/CNPq grant, Research grant from the Brazilian government (Researcher).
- Optimization Tools for Districting Decisions Under Uncertainty. Fondecyt grant 1180670, Research grant from the Chilean government (Co-investigator).
- Desarrollo de tecnologías de Big data para aumentar la retención y el éxito de estudiantes universitarios. Fondef grant ID18I10216, Research grant from the Chilean government (Adjunt research director).
- Desarrollo de modelos para la optimización de las zonas de reparto de correspondencia y paquetería. Fondef grant ID15I10082 Research grant from the Chilean government (External researcher).
- Heterogeneous assembly line balancing problems with process selection features. Fondecyt grant 1150306, Research grant from the Chilean government (Principal investigator).
- Forecasting of water consumption in the Antofagasta Region. Aguas de Antofagasta (Co- investigator).
- PROTHIUS III. DPI2010-16759, research grant from the Spanish government (Co- investigator).
- PROTHIUS II. DPI2007-63026, research grant from the Spanish government (Co- investigator).
- Supply chain modeling for innovation. Nissan Chain CIDEM (Co-investigator).
- PROTHIUS. DPI2004-03475, research grant from the Spanish government (Co-investigator),
- ICARUS. BEC2003-03809, research grant from the Spanish government (Co-investigator).
- DPI2001-2169, research grant from the Spanish government (Researcher).
- SIRUS, Council of Sant Boi del Llobregat (Researcher).
- TAP98-0494, research grant from the Spanish government (Researcher).